Things to Do After a DUI Arrest
A DUI arrest is a horrible experience. You may feel like you were targeted, and the police didn't give you a fair chance before putting you in handcuffs, and throwing you in jail. But there is something worse than a DUI arrest, and that is a DUI conviction.
A DUI conviction will give you a criminal record, something that may stay with you forever. The DUI conviction will also mean mandatory jail time, fees to the court, higher car insurance rates, hours of community service and Risk Reduction education, and even losing your license. Make sure you take advantage of all your resources to fight the criminal charges so you can have DUI charges reduced, or dropped entirely. Before you consider pleading guilty, or representing yourself before the court, think of all the consequences that come with a guilty verdict. The police and the prosecutors are working together in their case against you, so you shouldn't have to face these charges alone. Contact an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer who understands the charges and penalties you are facing, and will fight for your rights.
It may sound simple, but immediately after you are released after a DUI arrest, write down as much as possible from what happened. It may not seem very important, but the exact words the police said may make a big difference in your case. The police have to follow certain rules, and give you certain instructions before having you perform field sobriety tests. If the police didn't properly instruct you, you can't be expected to properly perform the tests, and their results should be thrown out. The same goes for chemical tests, and the reasons for the police stopping you in the first place. An experienced DUI lawyer who has the same training as police officers in field sobriety testing will be able to identify where the police officer made mistakes in your case, to support your defense.
Another reason to contact a DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible is that you are at risk of losing your license if you don't file for a hearing within 30 days after your arrest. This is an administrative process done through the Georgia Department of Driver Services. After your arrest, the temporary driver's permit given to you by the police is only good for 30 days. After that, you won't be able to drive. Your DUI lawyer will be able to file the ALS hearing request, and represent you at the ALS hearing so you can fight to keep your driver's license.
DUI Lawyer in Georgia
Speaking with a DUI defense lawyer can be the most important call you make. It could mean the difference between a permanent criminal record, and a “not guilty” finding. A DUI defense lawyer who has dedicated themselves to fighting for people charged with a DUI will be able to investigate your case and identify all available defenses. Don't wait another day because you only have 30 days to challenge an administrative license suspension. Call us today so we can fight for your rights.