The penalties for DUIs in Atlanta are very harsh. Georgia law requires that even first time offenders face jail time. For subsequent offenders, the penalties will only become more harsh. This is a brief overview of the penalties you could face for DUI, based on offense.
1st DUI Conviction Penalties
- 24 hours - 12 months in jail
- $300 - $1,000 in fines
- 20-40 hours of community service
- Clinical drug and alcohol evaluation, and treatment if necessary
- DUI School / Risk Reduction Program
- Driver's license suspended for up to 12 months, with a limited driving permit available in some cases
- This is a misdemeanor, which can not be expunged from your criminal record
2nd DUI Conviction (Within 10 years) Penalties
- 72 hours - 12 months in jail
- $600 - $1,000 in fines
- 240 hours of community service
- Clinical drug and alcohol evaluation, and treatment if necessary
- DUI School / Risk Reduction Program
- Driver's License suspended for up to 18 months, with no limited driving permit available, and a requirement to surrender your license plates. An ignition interlock device will be installed in your vehicle, if you own one (with this device, you can get your driver's license back after 12 months)
- Your name, photograph, zip code and DUI conviction information will be published in your local newspaper
- This is a misdemeanor, which can not be expunged from your criminal record
3rd DUI Conviction (Within 10 years) Penalties
- 15 days - 12 months in jail
- $1,000 - $5,000 in fines
- 240 hours of community service
- Clinical drug and alcohol evaluation, and treatment if necessary
- DUI School / Risk Reduction Program
- Driver's license suspended for 5 years and you must surrender all license plates. No limited permit will be available, though you may receive a probationary license after 2 years.
- An ignition interlock device must be installed in your vehicle
- Your name, photograph, zip code and DUI conviction information will be published in your local newspaper
- This is a high and aggravated misdemeanor, which can not be expunged from your criminal record
4th and Subsequent DUI Conviction Penalties (4 or more DUIs within 10 years)
- 90 days - 5 years in prison
- $1,000 - $5,000 in fines
- 60 days of community service
- Clinical drug and alcohol evaluation, and treatment if necessary
- DUI School / Risk Reduction Program
- Your vehicle is subject to forfeiture
- Driver's license will be revoked for 5 years and your license plates will be confiscated
- Your name, photograph, zip code and DUI conviction information will be published in your local newspaper
- This is a felony, which can not be expunged from your criminal record
No matter what level of offense your DUI may be, a solid legal defense strategy can help to minimize the penalties you could face. If you are facing your first or your fourth DUI, please give us a call and we will start exploring your case together and determine the best way to make sure this arrest has the least possible impact on your life.